Tuesday, May 30, 2006

It's been too long

We know, we know...it has been way too long since the last post. Things have been pretty hectic around here. We had intentions of posting sometime this weekend but we never got around to it.
We had a pretty good holiday weekend. We decided to build 2 flower beds in the back yard so most of our time was occpuied with that. We have gotten one done and the other is in process of being completed. The one we have completed looks really good! We now have some pretty nice back-yard appeal! Maddox really enjoys being outside so he got to hang out with us while we worked in the yard. The outdoors has a great calming effect on him.
Maddox is getting bigger each day! I know we keep saying it but it is true! He had a doctors appt this morning with the cardiologist. When he was first admitted to the NICU they did a ultrasound of the heart and discovered that a valve had not closed yet. All babies have these valves and they close shortly after birth, most babies do not have an ultrasound done at birth so nothing is ever detected. When we left the NICU the heart doctor said he didnt hear anything abnormal and again today he said he looked and sounded great! He had an EKG and chest x-rays done and they all looked normal. He goes back in 3 months to have another EKG and then he will go back when he is a year old for an ultrasound. The doctor suspects everything will be normal then too.
Maddox weighs 6lbs 4oz now! Wow he grows fast! But it is very good to know he is gaining the right amount of weight. He is still 18 1/2 inches long. Poor thing he really does not have height on his side. He is still sleeping well at night. We have a few off nights (early mornings) but that is usually related to tummy issues that resolve with time and Mylicon! He is taking great naps throughout the day. He is much more alert during the day now. We really like watching him and talking with him. He follows us with his eyes and enjoys looking around at different objects. He especially likes to be read and sung to. These two things have the same calming effect that the outdoors has. He is just a wonderful baby!
Jamie made a day out of going to the doctors today, she had a doctor's appt this afternoon. Apparently she has gall stones and had a very severe gall bladder attack on Saturday night that lasted all the way until sunday afternoon. She went to the doctor today and they discovered that yes it is gall stones. One may possibly be blocking a duct to the liver and is causing elevated liver counts. She goes in the morning to have a MRI of the gall bladder done to see what is causing the trouble. They know something is wrong they just need to confirm what it is with the MRI. After the MRI the doctor will decide what needs to be done. We will update the blog to let everybody know.
So our lives seem to be filled with medical things these days. Hopefully we will get all this stuff behind us and return to somewhat normal lives.
So in a nutshell that is all that has been going on in the past few days. We will try to keep more current updates and more pictures posted. Sorry to you faithful blog readers who have been dissapointed these past few days with no new posts!
And of course we have included more pictures. Can you tell he is getting bigger?
Untill next time.....


Shell n Chris Kopp said...

hey jamie
sorry to hear about your gall bladder issues. i'm glad you posted something on here because i was getting ready to call and check on you guys!! i hadn't heard anything since your last e-mail and no posts.....very unlike you. ha ha.
keep me updated with the gall bladder stuff.

Unknown said...

I hope you feel better soon Jamie. Maddox is still a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

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