Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Happy Birthday Maddox!

Our lives were changed forever on this day last year.
Maddox Lee was born at 4:40pm he weighed 6lbs 2oz and was 18.5 inches long. He had a rough start but thankfully with a lot of prayer and medicine our little monster was ready to come home and join our family.

We can't believe it has been a year! Looking back is bittersweet. A lot went on those first few months but amazingly we made it through. We can't say it has been easy, but when is parenting easy? We work on less hours of sleep now and for a long time we worked on no hours of sleep, we don't sleep-in anymore, we go to bed early, and we pick up lots of messes, but it is all worth it when we see our little guy smile every time he sees us.

We have been truly blessed by God. He has allowed us to care for one of His own and we are very humbled by that. He has taught us many things since Maddox has been born, mainly to just trust Him. We are eager to teach Maddox about the ways of the Lord and look forward to the day when he fully understands that God allowed Christ to die for him.

Is he a happy baby you ask...well of course....most of the time! Maddox has a very strong personality, he can go from extremely happy to extremely upset very quickly. He is still very attached to us and has a hard time being left with other people. He has come a long long way in regards to that though and his separation anxiety is definitely easing up. He is also a sensitive baby, not about getting his feelings hurt, but just general changes that go on through the day and with him. A good way to explain it would be to say when he is hurting, tired, sick etc. he will surely let us know!

He still attracts a lot of attention everywhere we go. Most of that attention he has learned how to get by waving, calling, and smiling to people. When we go through the grocery store he "calls out" to people and then when they look gives them the sweetest smile you have ever seen.

Maddox has been thriving ever since he got out of the hospital. We go for his 1 year well-baby check up on Monday so we don't have all his current stats, but we are guessing he weighs about 18.5lbs. We have no idea about height, we can tell you he is not tall.

He took his first step on Monday night. We were both there to see it and get extremely excited about it! Since then he has only tried it a few more times. So, if you are wondering if he is walking yet the answer is no, but he will one day!
He has two teeth, the two bottom ones. No sign of others coming and those two are still not all the way out yet.

If you think his eyes are brown you're wrong. They are lovely mix of blue and brown, not green, hazel or whatever just blue and brown. They are dark and could be mistaken for brown but if you look closely you will see blue and brown. A perfect combination of both of our eyes!

His most favorite thing right now is playing outside. He and Jamie spend a lot of their time outside. He is sporting a beautiful tan that most people only dream of. His hair is blonde.....very blonde and just keeps getting lighter the more he is out in the sun. He plays in his pool almost everyday and loves it. We have to be sure to dump the water out after each time because if we are playing outside any other time he will dive in with all his clothes on. Of course we had to learn that the hard way. He doesn't like for clothes to be on him so unless we are going somewhere he is usually running (crawling) around with just a diaper on. He will pull and pull at his clothes until we take them off of him. We live in the south so at least this is semi-acceptable.

He is obsessed with ducks right now. "Dog" was his first word but now he says duck too. If he sees a picture of a duck or sees the duck at the park he "talks" forever about them and quacks too. He loves animals of any kind and can spot a dog a mile away. He loves his dogs too. They enjoy playing with him as well. He cuddles them, head butts them, pulls up on them, pokes their eyes etc. and they love it. We have two very docile attention hungry dogs that eagerly put up with Maddox.

Today, for Maddox's birthday we plan to have a day filled of his favorite things; going to the park, swimming, sno cones, and macaroni and cheese. Playing in dirt will fit somewhere in there too!
Saturday is his birthday party. We will be excited to have family and friends around to help us celebrate his special day.
We appreciate everyone who keeps up with our blog. It has become Maddox's baby book. We have enjoyed posting about our little family and all the things that have gone on over the past year. We also appreciate your patience during all those long waits between posts! We will continue to post on the blog and keep everyone informed about Maddox and us.

If you would like to take a trip down memory lane you can look back on all of our blog posts from the very first one to today's. They are located on the left hand side of the screen. Just start in May 2006.


Denise said...

Wow. That little kid has grown up a lot! Do they all have to do that?

Shell n Chris Kopp said...

happy birthday maddox!

Denise said...

I'll see you at the party today! I hope Maddox has a blast! SnoCones!?! All Right!

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