Thursday, March 29, 2007

Fun in the Mud!

The other day we let Maddox play in the mud while we planted some flowers and did some yard work. He had a BLAST!! He is definitely all boy! Most people would not let their baby play in the mud, so I guess you could say we are not most people ;)
Maddox had a great time and went straight to the tub after with clothes on and everything.
We thought we would post some pictures of the event.

We have lots more to write about and more pictures to post from our recent vacation, but that will have to wait until another day. Maddox has not been feeling well again which has made a very busy and tiring week. Not to mention Walmart is not being too cooperative with our pictures (we forgot our digital camera) and we have still yet to get the disk from them.
So hopefully these pictures will last until we can get another post up. We know you guys love admiring this adorable little boy!


Denise said...

Those are great pics! Eating mud is good-it provides a variety of minerals!

Shell n Chris Kopp said...

funny mud pics, but i can't believe he didn't get very dirty. preston goes all out when he gets dirty, which is about every day when we play in the backyard. it'd be a hoot for these 2 to get together in a mud pit!
looking forward to your vacation pics.

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