Wednesday, November 29, 2006

So it was a little late!

So we said we would get a post up yesterday but as you can see that did not happen. We had traveled to Jamie's parents for the weekend and got back Monday. Apparently Maddox was having a hard time getting back into his routine yesterday. He was very cranky all day and just wanted to be held, this made it very hard to get a post up. But now here it is:

Happy late Thanksgiving to everyone!! We hope you all had a chance to be thankful for all the wonderful blessings God has placed in your life!

We spent Thanksgiving with Brian's family Thanksgiving day then the day after we headed down to Jamie's parents for a long weekend. We had a blast while we were there. We think Maddox had an especially good time because he got to be held a lot and passed around to whoever was willing to take him. Jamie's parents also let us get out for a while without Maddox. We went to one of our favorite places...Whole Foods! It was nice to be out and about for a little while without a little man attached to your arm.

Of course we had some great food over the thanksgiving holiday, it seems like we ate turkey for days on end, but it sure was good! And of course we indulged a lot on things we dont normally eat like cakes, pies, desserts, etc.
On Sunday we all helped put up Christmas lights, even Maddox. The weather was quite warm so Maddox hung out on a blanket in the front yard while we all helped out. The house looks great. We forgot to take a picture but take our word for it, it looks very classy.

We traveled back home on Monday. Thankfully Maddox had a great trip home and slept almost the entire time. The way to Jamie's parents was rough. He cried about 75% of the time and we made several stops and got caught in traffic twice. We were not sure how the trip home would go but it ended up being very pleasent.

Maddox has been doing great! He is starting to get on the move a lot more. He knows how to scoot around and is now starting to get up on his hands and knees. It wont be long before he is crawling. He loves getting into everything he is not supposed to have like plastic bags, paper, our food. If he wants it he is very fast at getting to it. We had to go through the house picking things up and moving wires and cords.

We are trying to get him to say Dada and Mama. He has said dada a couple times but not mama yet. It is really just babbling but it is fun to listen to!
He is not really interested in baby food. We offer it to him a lot but he just likes to take a few bites and then he is through. He is pretty hooked on his momma's milk so we will just stick to that until he starts to show some more interest in real food. He did enjoy a nice tootsie pop his Uncle E shared with him. He cried when we finally took it away, but not before we got some pictures first.

Still no teeth yet, everyone asks (or tells us) he is teething, but there are no teeth in sight.
There is not really a whole lot else that is going on with him. He is a great happy baby. He keeps us entertained and on our toes!

We are looking forward to Christmas. Friday we are going to get our Christmas tree and going to decorate! It will be our first Christmas as a little family! We plan on focusing on the real meaning of Christmas and will try not to get caught up in all the holiday shopping.

Well we will get another post up soon...promise. The posts have been too few lately and we know that some of you are just dying to see new pictures of Maddox and hear what has been going on.

We hope you all have a great week!

God Bless

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Coming Soon

We are working on a new post it is coming soon....promise. We have been super busy. Please check back within the day for a new and exciting post with lots of pictures!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Long Time No Post

So some of you are probably a little disgruntled because we have not posted in a while.....Sorry about that. With a little man who keeps us very busy it is often times hard to get a few minutes to write up a new post. Hopefully the pictures and video in this post will make up for the lack of post last week!

Maddox is officially on the move! He now knows how to scoot around. He uses his arms to pul himself where ever he wants to go. And the thing that got him moving.....a dog toy! He is in love with this dog toy that is an orange monster. Of course we never let him have it ;) But more recently he will scoot around for anything that catches his fancy. So it may be time to baby proof the house and vaccuum more than once a week. We caught it on video so you can watch him. In the video he was after a piece of mail.

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Maddox absoutely loves his baths. He started doing this new splashing thing while laying on his back. He'll get real stiff for a minute and then let loose, his arms and legs start flailing and water goes everywhere. He gets the biggest kick out of it and laughs and smiles afterwards. It is really a site to see. Maybe we will get it on video so you can all see our little fish.

Last week we were busy taking care of a friend who was in the hospital. Her and her husband are pregnant with a little boy some complications arose and she had to be on strict bed rest for a while so Maddox and Jamie went up to visit them and keep them company. Thankfully everything is going great for mom and baby and Maddox should have a new playmate in the spring!! Please pray for the couple and the baby, the mom is still on bedrest and may have to be for the rest of the pregnancy.

So, last week was a busy week. The weekend was more laid back. Friday night we had date night...we went out to eat at Wendy's for dinner as a family then we headed by the movie theater to pick up some popcorn then we went home put Maddox to bed and watched the Incredilbes......that is such a cute movie!
Saturday we went out to lunch with Brian's parents they got their Maddox fix for a while. Then we just had a relaxing afternoon at home. Sunday was church. Maddox did not make it in the nursery this week. :( But the ladies are amazed at how quickly he can turn the screaming off when his mom gets a hold of him ;) And as soon as Jamie got in there and was holding him, he turned and looked at those ladies and gave them the biggest smile...that little stinker! We went out to lunch with some friends after church and later in the evening we headed out to the park for a while. Maddox really likes the swings at the park.

Well next week is Thanksgiving! That sure did sneek up on us. We are planning to spend Thanksgiving Day with Brian's parents and then head over to Houston the day after and spend the weekend there and head home Monday. And while we are there we are hoping to get to have a visit with Jamie's cousin's Lisa and Julie....they are super excited about getting to meet Maddox!

For those of you in Lafayette don't worry we are planning a trip sometime in early December to come for a visit. During the holiday season our weekends get pretty packed but we are looking at some dates and will let you know as soon as we pick a weekend!

We hope you all have a blessed week!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

6 months already!

Wow! Maddox is halfway to a year old today! Time has flown by. It seems like when he was a newborn time went by so slowly but now it is going by sooo fast!
Maddox has some new tricks up his sleeve. The first one that is fun is that he has started pulling up on things. His favorite is to pull up on is toy box, but he has also tried pulling up on not so safe things like his play gym that is very unsteady. We have to keep a close eye on him when he is playing on the floor because he is very ambitious about pulling up on anything! He loves his new trick and thinks he needs to do it all the time.

Another new trick he has that we are not so happy about is screaming or screeching whatever you want to call it. Wow, he loves to hear himself do this. He sreeches at the top of his lungs, not because he is mad just because it is fun. We are trying to ignore it so maybe he will stop but it has not worked yet :(

The time also came for Maddox to start sleeping in his own crib in his own room. We were both pretty sad about this but decided it was time. He did great. It took a few nights to get used to it but I think we are all sleeping better now. He wakes up about twice during the night and Jamie nurses him then he wakes up around 6 and we bring him in bed with us to lay down and nurse until he fully awakens.

Maddox was a pumpkin for halloween. It was not an actual pumpkin costume but a cute little pumpkin outfit. We went to a little halloween get together with the people from our bible study group. We had a great time but decided not to trick or treat one because Maddox was tired and two because babys really dont eat candy so at his age the parents just go to get candy and we didn't think that was a good idea. Plus Jamie went to Walmart yesterday and got lots of fun candy at half price, we should be good on candy until next halloween!

Brian dressed up too. They were allowed to dress up at work so he went as a "kindred" spirit. Kindred is one of their sink brands at the company! It was very clever of him! He came in second place in the comstume contest.

Maddox has his 6 month check-up and shots tomorrow. Maybe this time he will not have a bad reaction to the shots. If you recall the last time he had shots they upset his tummy and he was throwing up a lot. We'll update with a new post about how much he weighs and all that good stuff.

We have started to give Maddox some solid food. Jamie mixes it up herself becasue jarred baby food is nasty. So far he has had tastes of peas, carrots, squash, applesauce, bananas, green beans, and a few others. We tried peaches but we are pretty sure he is allergic to those (it caused a nasty diaper rash). He also has a dairy allergy we figured that out about 3 months ago so for 3 months now Jamie has been dairy free. Maddox is just a sensitive little guy.

Sunday we have our Annual Fall Fling at church. We are very excited about this. Lots of fun fellowship, games, and a pumpkin baking contest. Jamie is working on her entries for the contest. This is the first year she will enter so she is really excited.

Well that is about it for this week. He hope everyone had a great halloween (you can email or share your pictures with us! We would love to see what our readers were for Halloween!

Have a great weekend! Enjoy the very cool weather!! We would call this gumbo weather!

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