Monday, October 23, 2006

Fall is Here!

We are definitely way overdue for an update....Sorry this has taken so long.

We are so excited that it is finally fall-ish outside! The weather has been beautiful and we have spent a lot of time outside enjoying it!

We are doing great! Last week was a pretty busy week for all of us. Brian had to go on a business trip for a few days so Jamie and Maddox got to hang out all by themselves for a few days. Brian left on Wednesday morning and was home late Friday night. Jamie and Maddox did well by themselves (it was the first time) but they missed Brian terribly! Brian got home late friday night and we all enjoyed a wonderful weekend together!

We took Maddox to a pumpkin patch on Saturday. We needed to pick out a pumpkin to carve and we thought we would take a few pictures of Maddox while we were there. He loved sitting on the ground and eating the straw! That crazy boy. We could hardly get the straw out of his mouth to take some pictures. You can visit this website click here to view the pictures we took. You can also order any of them if you want to.

Saturday night we went to a pumpkin carving party. It was great. We got to carve our huge pumpkin. Maddox fell asleep so he missed out on the carving part....maybe that was for the best.;)

Sunday Maddox had his first GREAT day in the nursery at church! He has been having a hard time with some seperation anxiety lately. But this Sunday he did great! We are so proud of him. We went about 15 mins early so that we could play with him for a while and try to make the transition smoother for him. We guess it worked because they said he barely cried at all. Way to go Maddox!!
Sunday afternoon we went out to the park. It was a lot cooler than we thought and we had to bundle Maddox up. Maddox really enjoyed the swings! We took some cute pictures out there too!

So that is about all we have been doing lately.
Here is some more video of Maddox laughing! We hope you enjoy!

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Ok, we know we have people out there who actually read our blog, we would love to hear back from you. Please feel free to leave us comments! We would love to hear form you and know who out there is reading our blog.

Until next time.......

Friday, October 13, 2006


Maddox has decided that waking up at night is a really fun thing to do. Actually he is not waking up for fun but it is because he has not been feeling well lately. Almost 2 weeks ago he started waking up screaming several time during the night, it continued on for a while so we decided to take him in to the doctor. After some blood work was done we found out that Maddox was battling a little viral infection. He showed no other sypmtoms of being sick except for being really clingy earlier in the week. The doctor figured the virus was what was causing the wake ups and it should be over within a week. So here we are now almost a week later and still getting up frequently at night, but now for a different he has a cold! We had one good night of sleep Sunday night but then he started waking up again Monday night. When we say frequently we mean about every hour and a half or so on really bad nights it was every 30 mins! But we are trucking on and hopefully can get over this little cold soon. Watching Maddox struggle with a stuffy nose makes us very thankful we know how to blow our nose and wish he could learn too.....the "booger sucker" is not his friend right now!

When we took Maddox to the doctor we found out he weighs 13lbs! They told us his height but we forgot that. He is bigger and thats all that counts! He is still doing well trying to sit up by himself. He has a lot more control over his hand movements and grasping things. Everything always goes to his mouth of course! He is a super happy baby and quite the little ham. He likes to "talk" a lot now. He will go on and on just babbling it is very cute. He has also started to grab for anything that is in our hands...bowls of cereal, drinks, forks, etc. He particularly likes cups because he likes to share a sip or two of whatever we are drinking!

We had a great time in Houston at Jamie's parents house. They were nice enough to watch Maddox on Saturday afternoon while we got to go out to lunch and to the mall together. It was a very nice and well deserved outing. Maddox had a great time while we were there. Everyone kept commenting about how much he had grown and how cute he is! He was very happy and well behaved and was very willing to be passed around.

This week we have just been relaxing and trying to catch up on some lost sleep. Brian took off Wednesday afternoon (he deserved some time off) and we all played outside and enjoyed the beautiful weather!

This weekend is Tech's homecoming. We have plans to go to a tailgating party and maybe catch some of the game. It all depends on how Maddox is feeling.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, October 02, 2006

5 Months Old!!

Wow! Maddox is 5 months old today!! Time sure has flown by! We are just amazed by how wonderfully God has blessed us!
Maddox is doing great! 5 months is such a fun stage! He has started sitting up by himself. This has happened all in the last 3 days! At first he would teeter and couldn't stay up, but as the days have gone by he has really gotten his balance and can stay sitting without tumbling over for a little bit! Yay for Maddox! It is so amazing to watch how quickly they develop. He is also very fascinated with toys now and loves to grab them. This happened over a few days too! He still has a little trouble getting his hands just so on the toy but overall he is doing very well. Of course the toy goes straight to his mouth as soon as he get a hold of it! He is very ambitious and gets very frustrated at not being able to go anywhere. As soon as he gets the coordination for crawling he will be off!

He has also taken a new interest in a sippy cup. We bought him a sippy cup just for fun so he could drink out of his own cup instead of ours. He loves this sippy cup! He knows how to get the water out but can't quite tip the cup up himslef so we hold it for him. If we take the sippy cup away he starts to scream.....that little monster!
Speaking of monsters.....we think we may have a green eyed little monster on our hands! We thought Maddox's eyes were going to be blue like his daddy's but now they are blue and brown making them an interesting shade of almost army green. It is very cool! Who knows, they may still have some color changing to do and he could end up with a whole different color, but for now they are a greenish color.

Jamie and Maddox have been going with a friend and her baby for very long walks every morning. They walk for about 2 hours. This girl has a little girl who is 2 months older than Maddox...she is very cute! The walks have been very nice especially since the weather has been so beautiful. They also went to the park one day and got to feed the ducks. Maddox really enjoyed watching the ducks, they even tried to come right up to him!

Last Sunday we dressed Maddox up in "real" clothes! He wore a red onesie khaki pants and shoes! He looked like a little man! We had to take pictures because he is SO cute! Thanks aunt Laura for the super cute shoes! We got lots of compliments on them!
He is finally fitting into 0-3 month clothes well so now we can actually dress him in things besides onesies, pants are still a little big but he is getting there. Saturday Jamie and Maddox went shopping with the friend they go walking with. Maddox needed a little jacket and some hats to keep him warm on the cool mornings when they go for their walks. Of course Jamie also got him some new pants and a new long sleeve shirt too!

We are headed to Houston this weekend for a trip to Jamie's parents. We have not really been doing too much else. Brian is staying busy with work and Jamie is staying busy with Maddox. Brian took a vacation day this past Monday to relax and get ready for the busy next few weeks. We went to the park for a walk and brought a picnic lunch. The weather was beautiful and we had a wonderful relaxing day!

Thats about all thats been going on with us. We hope everyone is doing well!
Have a blessed week!

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