Tuesday, February 03, 2009

This past month...

Wow it's February already!! January seems to have flown by.
The new year is getting off to a great start for us. We have been enjoying the boys so much lately!
The boys have had their fair share of sickness over the past month. They both had RSV in early Jan. and Maddox narrowly escaped a hospital stay because of it. Thankfully, the wonderful doctor allowed us to do all treatment at home. Here is a picture of Maddox taking one of his breathing treatments. At one point during the sickness both boys were having breathing treatments every 2 hours around the clock, it was miserable. All we could say was "this to shall pass.." It eventually did pass and the boys are doing great now.

We took a wonderful little trip down to Lafayette the other weekend to do some visiting. We got to spend some time with MawMaw and PawPaw, visited family, and went to a birthday party. We all had a great time and Maddox is still talking about riding on PawPaw's tractor! That was the highlight of his trip!

Harris is crawling!!! Ahhhh....we knew the day would come but we don't know if we were ever really ready for it. He is into everything!! He pulls up on everything too so that adds a whole other aspect to it all. He and Maddox make the perfect team too. They really enjoy getting into a lot together. Harris is very eager to go everywhere and freely explores the whole house.
He went for his 9 month check up at the end of January. He weighs 17lbs and is 26.5 inches long.

Harris is such a sweetheart and is a very content baby. He's a charmer too and can easily melt your heart with his sweet sweet smile!

Maddox is great. What can we say, he is a typical 2 1/2 year old. It is hard to get decent pictures of him because he is always on the move so the picture is never in focus. He talks non stop and asks questions about everything. VeggieTales (a kids video series) has become a recent obsession and he can sing the whole theme song. He loves signing it to Harris when Harris is sad or upset. He has also become the mother to Harris and tells him when he can or cannot do anything and loves to change Harris' diaper too. Speaking of diapers, Maddox has been potty trained for a few months now, we are so thankful for that!
Maddox is a sweetheart too, he gives great hugs and is never shy around anyone. He likes to meet new people and will stick his hand out for a handshake and say "nice to meet you!"

Stay tuned for more ridiculously cute boys in the next post.....

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